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Monday - Saturday 9 am - 4 pm
Sunday Noon - 4pm
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The Barberville Pioneer Settlement is a non-profit 501c3 corporation established in 1976.
In 1976 a group of Volusia County teachers with a passion for the arts; Lura Bell, Anne Johnson, Mary McClancy, Dorothy Felton, Marion Hillabold, Shirley Keppel, Dorothy Johnson and Viola Pierson founded the Pioneer Settlement for the Creative Arts, Inc., as a not for profit organization.
At first the property known as the Central School of Barberville (c. 1919), and was leased from the Volusia County School Board, however in 2001 the School Board bestowed ownership of the property to the Board of Directors of the Pioneer Settlement.

Our Mission
To educate and entrust the public and future generations with knowledge of the pioneer lifestyle of our forefathers, through hands on experience, folk life demonstrations, preservation and historical exhibits.

Board of Directors
Joe Underhill, President
Diana Johnson, Vice President
Joan Carter, Secretary
Dell Hoyt, Treasurer
Joseph Stone
John Case
Paul Howes
Richard Schuler
Bruce C. Hawley
Fred Ziffra

Our History
In the early years, the Board of Directors led by Lura D. Bell, struggled to fulfill their dreams of rehabilitating the badly deteriorated school and provide enriching educational programming. Public programs began in 1982, and have steadily developed into those enjoyed by thousands today. The rapid growth of the children's education program influenced the School Board's decision to place a teacher on site to coordinate the programs with mandated curriculums meeting Sunshine State Standards. Additionally, over the years, the program has adapted to meet the growing need for FCAT-based learning benchmarks.

Our Vision
To become Florida’s
premier living history
Gudrun Benson, Associate Director
Erick Nielsen, Associate Director
Christen Gandy, Events Coordinator
• events@pioneersettlement.org | (386) 244-9125
Heinrich Hole, Education Coordinator
Seasonal Volunteers
Susie & Donald Lewis
Jed & Audrah Lewis
Eric Emery
Chris Collins & Phil Pittenger
Outreach Program
To further the Settlement's mission, a representative is available to speak about the Settlement and it’s history to the community, at civic group meetings, retirement facilities and other public or private gathering.
For more information contact directors@pioneersettlement.org